
Thursday 27 January 2022

Sleep, Mornings and Evenings Vocabulary for Speaking || WWW.AMANIELTS.IN ||




‘I slept like a log.’

This means that you slept very well, deeply.

‘I was tossing and turning all night.’

The opposite – you didn’t sleep well at all.

‘He’s a real night owl.’

He likes to stay up late at night.

Early bird gets the worm.’

If you get up early then you will get better opportunities than other people.

Rise and shine sleepy head!’

Get up, lazy!

‘Why don’t you try sleeping on it?’

Think about a problem/decision for another day and then make up your mind.

‘I slept like a baby.’

Same as sleeping like a log – sleeping really well.

‘Time to hit the hay.’

Time to go to sleep.

Have a lie in.’

Sleep late in the morning.

‘I slept in like the lazy piece of trash I am.’

Same as having a lie in. ‘Lie in’ is a UK expression and ‘sleep in’ is for Americans. It means to sleep late, usually on the weekend.

‘Time to turn in.’

Time to go to bed.

‘He went out like a light.’

Went to sleep right away.

Couldn’t sleep a wink all night.’

Unable to sleep at all.

‘Get your beauty rest – you need it.’

Sleep so that you look beautiful and don’t have bags under your eyes.

‘I just dozed off for a second, officer!’

Fell asleep for a little bit. Don’t do this while driving!



‘I’m asleep in the wee hours of the morning.’

The early hours of the morning.

‘I get up at the crack of dawn.’

I get up early – at around 6 am when the sun comes up.

‘The sunrise is gorgeous.’

The rising of the sun is beautiful.

‘I want to get an early start tomorrow.’

I want to get up early in the morning.

‘I got up at an ungodly hour to catch the plane.’

A very early hour like 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning.

‘The morning light woke me up.’

The sun at dawn.

‘It will take all morning.’

Use up all the hours of the morning.

‘I’m not a morning person or a night person – I’m barely a person at all!’

I don’t like to get up early (or stay up late).



‘In the middle of the night, I woke up screaming.’

Very late at night.

Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite…’

Sleep well.

‘The sunset isn’t so gorgeous.’

The falling sun is ugly.

‘I’m a night person.’

I like to stay up late at night.

‘They are like night and day – total opposites!’

Completely different personalities – opposites.

‘I had a one night stand last night – it was ok.’

Sleep with someone for one night – the opposite of a long-term relationship.

‘Time to call it a day.’

Time to go to bed.

‘I’m gonna have an early night.’

I’m going to go to bed early.

‘I’m gonna spend the night in.’

Not going to go out tonight.

‘In the dead of night, Santa Claus breaks into your house.’

Very late at night.

Night after night, I can’t sleep.’

Every night.

‘Let’s go out for a night on the town.’

Go out and party.

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